I recommend Google Translate and/or Babel Fish for online translation of articles from their original language to your language.
This set of links is being updated on a daily basis!
The following list is in order that I found the reference, and is not in chronological order of their publication. The articles I believe to be most influential are in red.
- Election of the Director General
- Russia promises $20 mln to UNESCO in bid to win top post
- Unesco : la honte d’un naufrage annoncé
- UNESCO: Shame of a Disaster Foretold
- Oppose Farouk Hosni as UNESCO's Director-General Now!
- Netanyahu takes flak for support of anti-Israel UNESCO appointment
- The Curious Farouk Hosny Affair: The Painter, the Preachers & the Politicians
- UNESCO: vive campagne pour le poste de directeur général
- EGYPT: Fatwa issued against secular author
- Long road to UNESCO (Interview with Farouk Hosny)
- Why can't an Arab be more like an Israeli?
- No for Farouk Hosni’s Nomination for UNESCO Secretary-General (Arabic, French and English)
- La bataille pour l’Unesco
- Lettre à Farouk Hosni
- Egyptians kick against compatriot in bid for UNESCO job
- Unesco, l'ancien ministre algérien Bedjaoui dans la course pour... le Cambodge
- Being Farouk Hosny
- Egypt to present Faruk Hosni for UNESCO Chief
- Egyptian intellectuals question Minister’s eligibility for UNESCO post
- Burning Issue
- Farouk Hosni: The Politics of Temperment
- Egyptian Culture Minister, Imaginary and Fabricated Battles
- Global Integrity Report: Egypt Reporters Notebook
- Development: UNESCO Race Now Wide Open
- Is Farouk Hosni worthy of leading UNESCO?
- Why I Worry About Farouk Hosny as Candidate for UNESCO Director General
- Enough is Enough: A Rebuttal to the above blog posting (26)
- Response to Comments by Omar Massilha made in the above posting (27)
- Ferrero-Waldner muss um Unesco- und EU-Job zittern
- Egypt intellectuals issue letter against Farouk Hosni's UNESCO bid
- Wrong for UNESCO (Farouk Hosny)
- Egypt u-turn on publishing Israeli books
- Bibi Bails on UNESCO Flap, Angering Wiesel
- Was Mubarak Israel versprochen hat
- EGYPT: Fatwa issued against secular author
- Election DG UNESCO: Le candidat TIDJANI-SERPOS se prononce sur le choix de l'Union Africaine (video)
- UNESCO Vacancy a Political Battleground
- UNESCO more than just culture, but less than just politics
- Ferrero-Waldner kandidiert "with a little help from her friends"
- Россия приценивается к посту главы ЮНЕСКО
- ЮНЕСКО поможет справиться с проблемой "утечки умов"
- Стать гендиректором ЮНЕСКО и спасти Петербург
- Глава ЮНЕСКО нанес прощальный визит в Россию
- Farouk Hosni In His Own Words
- Egypt Denies Restoring Jewish Relics to Boost UNESCO Bid
- Sexo e intriga en UNESCO
- National committee formed to support Farouk Hosni nomination for UNESCO post (2007)
- What's Behind Jewish Synagogue Restauration?
- Religious Scholars Slam Farouk Hosny for Anti-Veil Remarks
- Farouk Hosni Won't Step Out of His House
- UNESCO Candidate Calls for Pan-American Effort to Spur Development
- Nouréini Tidjani-Serpos
- Elmar Mammadyarov receives Ecuador’s nominee for UNESCO Secretary General Ivonne Juez de A. Baki
- Very, Very Lost in Translation
- My House is Your House
- Egypt Stung by Charges of Neglect of Jewish Site
- N’élisez pas Farouk Hosni à la tête de l’UNESCO
- The Pen Club Also Opposes Farouk Hosni's Election
- Interviewé par Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, le ministre des Affaires étrangères a évoqué les relations de la France avec l'Iran, les élections afghanes et l'Unesco. (video)
- Descarta Francia tener un favorito para dirigir la UNESCO
- Francia no expresará "preferencia" por ningún candidato
- Foreign Policy Slams Farouk Hosni's Candidacy
- UNESCO Can Help in Attaining MDGs Says EU Commissioner
- Why Did Not Hosni Go To Toulouse
- A Sorry Candidate
- Oppose Farouk Hosni as UNESCO's Director General
- Ferrero-Waldner: Hartes Rennen um Unesco-Chefposten
- UNESCO Candidate Calls for Pan-American Effort to Spur Development
- Clearing the Debris
- Turkey and Zülfü Livaneli miss top UNESCO post
- Joseph Hammond: Foreign Policy slams Farouk Hosni’s UNESCO candidacy
- UNESCO: Hosni, Not Hostile to Israel but Expect Just Peace
- Egyptian CM Farouk Hosni during Cairo-Scandal
- Ayoon Wa Azan (He would Burn Them Himself If They Made Their Way In)
- Campagne d'Egypte pour l'Unesco
- Jean-Marie Ehouzou expose les chances de Tidjani Serpos
- Egypt’s Unesco candidatefights attacks on two sides
- Unesco: le candidat égyptien à la direction générale dans les feux de la controverse
- Egyptian writers condemn Foreign Policy Magazine attack as “uprovoked”
- Farouk Hosni candidat à la direction de l’Unesco: Chronique d’une campagne controversée
- The ambassador in France Irina Bokova – UNESCO Director General candidate
- Farouk Hosni, qui mal y pense?
- L'Égyptien Farouk Hosni à la conquête de l'Unesco
- Umstrittener Kandidat bei der UNESCO
- Message from: Prof Sospeter Muhongo, Musoma | Candidate: Director of UNESCO
- Arab favourite for Unesco's top job apologises for 'book burning' remarks
- Egypt's Unesco hopeful in book burning row
- ‘Hebrew book-burning’ minister Farouk Hosni is front-runner to head Unesco
- An Anti-Semite for UNESCO?
- UNESCO: Wahl von Faruk Hosni zum Generaldirektor wäre ein
Fehler - MIDEAST: Political Clouds Hang Over UNESCO Selection
- Farouk Hosni e gli strani giochi della candidatura egiziana all'Unesco
- Egypt rallies for UNESCO's top post
- Unesco: des intellectuels accusent Paris d'oeuvrer à l'élection d'Hosni
- France backs Farouk Hosni to win UNESCO's post (Egyptian article dated August 2008.)
- Ambassador Bokova visits Morocco
- Is This Who Should Head UNESCO?
- Unesco-Chefposten: Ferrero-Waldners Chancen schwinden
- EU unlikely to agree on UNESCO candidate: commissioner
- U.S. Will Not Disclose Choice for UNESCO Director General
- Eyeing the goal posts
- Egypt's UNESCO Candidate: An Anti-Jewish Bigot?
- Farouk Hosni Is Tying Himself in Knots
- An Egyptian for UNESCO (comments on the op ed piece)
- Private Motive for Egypt’s Public Embrace of a Jewish Past
- Egypt's bid to lead UNESCO raises hackles
- Controversy Lingers Over Choosing the Next Unesco Chief
- Egyptian censorship advocate is candidate to be UNESCO director general
- The U.N.'s New Censor
- Un défenseur de la censure candidat à la direction de l’Unesco
- L'Unesco élit son directeur: le candidat égyptien fait scandale
- Vorwurf, Sarkozy würde Kandidatur von Hosni für Amt von UNESCO-Generaldirektor unterstützen
- Ein Antisemit als Generaldirektor?
- Henri Guaino, plume présidentielle aujourd'hui, universelle demain, par Claude Lanzmann et Bernard-Henri Lévy
- Unesco : Kogui à Paris, Joseph Yaï à Cotonou, l'élection de Tidjani-Serpos
- Israel Row Looms Over UNESCO Race
- Optimismo sobre candidatura a director general de UNESCO
- UNESCO to Pick New Chief
- La UNESCO examina a los candidatos a director general en medio de la polémica
- Campaign for top UNESCO post gets off to a charged start
- Se busca director general
- Candidata ecuatoriana a dirigir la UNESCO ve con optimismo sus posibilidades
- Unesco - Un Egyptien accusé d’antisémitisme part grand favori
- Egyptian minister's candidacy to lead UNESCO sparks controversy
- Process begins to choose a new Unesco chief
- Campagne feutrée à l'Unesco
- L’Unesco, les raisons d’espérer de Tidjani Serpos
- Ivonne Baki, tras la presidencia de la UNESCO
- Controversy Surrounds Frontrunner in Race to Head Major U.N. Agency
- Let's Not Put UNESCO in the Hands of a Culture Cop
- Egyptian Minister's Candidacy to Lead UNESCO Sparks Controversy
- Controversy Flares Over UNESCO Chief Candidate
- Unesco: le chasseur de nazis Serge Klarsfeld soutient le candidat égyptien controversé
- The Bad Minister
- Lost in translation (and willful misrepresentation)
- Unesco To Pick New Chief
- Soy la candidata del consenso para dirigir la Unesco: Ivonne Baki
- The Complete Farouk Hosni, UNESCO, Israel saga
- Unesco, une nouvelle vision pour le XXIe siècle
- Egyptian's UNESCO candidacy opposed by Zionists
- Egyptian censorship advocate is frontrunner for post of UNESCO Director-General
- The Battle for the Top Job at UNESCO
- L'Italia non può votare per l'antisemita Farouk Hosni all'Unesco
- UNESCO's Leadership: A Race or a Death Wish
- Prise de tête à l'Unesco
- Is that Obama's voice in UNESCO?
- Unesco : Le sort de la candidature de Bedjaoui tranché demain
- Wrong man for UNESCO
- Unesco : les enjeux d'une polémique, par Caroline Fourest
- Egypt's compromised Unesco candidate
- Culture clashes
- Prise de tête à l'Unesco
- Farouk Hosni Promised to Burn Any Israeli Books He Found in Egyptian Libraries: Now He May Become Head of उनेस्को
- Culture Club Candidate
- French split over "book burner"
- A Book Burner for UNESCO?
- La UNESCO: una historia vergonzosa
- TIDJANI-SERPOS « L'UNESCO est le temple des cultures » (video)
- Not Only Hostile to Jews and Israel - He Failed as Guardian of Culture in His Own Country and Did Not Even Protect Egyptian UNESCO Literary Laureate
- ADL Issues Open Letter To UNESCO; Urges Members To Reject Candidacy Of Farouk Hosni
- An Appeal to World Leaders: Protest the Election of Farouk Hosni
- UNESCO, Farouk Hosni No Thanks
- Egypt's UNESCO Candidate Has Domestic Critics Also
- Candidato egípcio a secretário-geral da Unesco nega ser anti-semita
- Farouk Hosni défend sa candidature à l'UNESCO
- Egypt's man for UNESCO faces undercover opposition
- Liderança da Unesco vai para antissemita?
- Un bigot à l'UNESCO !
- UNESCO to elect new Director-General
- Egypt UNESCO candidate has domestic critics also
- Farouk Hosni presents his strategy for UNESCO
- Course à la tête de l’Unesco : Tévoédjrè en campagne pour Tidjani à Paris
- Irina Bokova stands good chances for becoming UNESCO’s next Director General
- Le candidat de l’Egypte tient la corde à l’Unesco
- Cairo nominee for Unesco chief stirs controversy
- Tanzanian Candidate Seeks Greater UNESCO Focus on Science
- Farouk Hosni, minister who threatened to burn Hebrew books, set for Unesco post
- UNESCO Disunity
- Eine Schande namens Uno
- Der Mann, der israelische Bücher verbrennen wollte
- L'Unesco désigne son directeur, avec un Egyptien controversé pour favori
- Polêmica marca escolha de novo secretário-geral da Unesco
- UNESCO: Israelfeindlicher Hosni mit guten Chancen
- Tête de l'Unesco : le favori accusé d'antisémitisme
- Remous autour de la course à l'Unesco
- Ferrero-Waldner kämpft um den Unesco-Chef-Posten
- Unesco Election: Looking for a Consensus
- IFEX members concerned about candidate for UNESCO director-general
- Anti-Semitism Charges Mar Bid For U.N. Culture Czar
- Egyptian candidate for top job denies anti-Semitism
- Egyptian Minister Forced to Apologize for Threatening to Burn Books About Israel
- UNESCO vote hit by row over Egyptian candidate
- Anti-Semitism row overshadows UNESCO leader vote
- Farouk Hosni: My program aims at development of UNESCO
- King Farouk of UNESCO?
- MUKASA Issues Open Letter to UNESCO: Urges Members to Reject Candidacy of Farouk Hosni
Save UNESCO: Why Farouk Hosni Cannot Become the UNESCO's Next Director General is a blog operated by some French students which posts information on UNESCO and the race for Director General. Omar Massalha, a representative of the committee to support Farouk Hosny has asked that I post also a link to their blog: Yes4FaroukHosny.
The Facebook site for "Egyptians Against Nominating Farouk Hosny for UNESCO" has a number of links to articles in Arabic. If you do not read Arabic, I suggest that you can get a rough translation online using Google translate.
I can not post titles in Arabic but here are links to some articles relevent to the election of the new UNESCO Director General in that language:
- http://www.almasry-alyoum.com/article2.aspx?ArticleID=224337
- http://www.almasryonline.com/portal/page/portal/MasryPortal/ARTICLE_AR?itId=UG113571&pId=UG14&pType=1
- http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2006/06/13/24669.html
- http://www.al-jazirah.com.sa/magazine/27012004/huar4.htm
- http://www.almasry-alyoum.com/article2.aspx?ArticleID=224763&IssueID=1517
- http://www.almasry-alyoum.com/article2.aspx?ArticleID=224851
- http://www.almasry-alyoum.com/article2.aspx?ArticleID=225778
- http://www.daralhayat.com/portalarticlendah/56735
- http://www.youm7.com//News.asp?NewsID=136842
There are other news articles on these candidates which I have not been posting as they are not specifically related to UNESCO nor the election campaign. This is especially true of Benita Ferrero-Waldner whose duties as EU Commissioner result in a great deal of media coverage. There are also unposted articles discussing Egyptian cultural matters naming Farouk Hosny in his role as Minister of Culture. I have difficulty following the literature posted in the Cyrillic alphabet.
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