Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to France and to the Principality of Monaco; Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Bulgaria to UNESCO
Born: 12 July, 1952
Nationality: Bulgarian
Civil status: Married, two children
- Feb. 1997 – June 2005 Founder and Chairperson of the European Policy Forum
- 1997-1998 Member of the Working Group on Enlargement with the Robert Schuman Institute of European Studies in Florence, Italy, addressing the geo-political implications of enlargement.
- 1997 – 2005 Key-note speaker or invitee to a number of conferences, organized inter alia by the Robert Schuman Institute of European Studies in Florence, Italy, Wilton Park Conferences, UK, Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium, College of Europe, Brugge, Belgium, Open Society Foundation, The US Institute of Peace, The Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany, George Marshall Fund, US.
- Feb. 1997 – Sept. 1997 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of the Minister, Adviser to the Minister (with rank of Ambassador)
- Nov. 1996 – Feb. 1997 Minister of Foreign Affairs
- June 1995 – Feb. 1997 State Secretary on European Integration, First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge of UN, OSCE, EU and NATO, Chief co-ordinator of Bulgaria–EU relations. Co-Chairperson, Bulgaria – EU Association Committee, National PHARE Coordinator, Chairperson, Inter-Agency Co-ordination Commission on European Integration (at deputy ministerial level), Took part as head of delegation or keynote speaker in a number of international fora, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Centre for European Studies
- September 1995 Deputy head of the Delegation of Bulgaria to the Fourth World Conference on Women “Action for Equality, Development and Peace” (Beijing, China)
- Oct. 1991- March 1992 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia, European Security Department, First Secretary
- June 1990 – Oct. 1991 Member of the Constituent National Assembly, Took part in the drafting of the new Bulgarian Constitution, Head of the delegation of the Bulgarian Parliament to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
- Member of the Foreign Policy Committee and the Human Rights Committee, Initiated the first parliamentary seminar on the European Declaration on Human Rights
- Aug. 1986 – Jan. 1990 Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sofia, Adviser to the Minister (with the rank of First Secretary)
- Jan. 1984 – Sept. 1986 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UN DepartmentThird and Second Secretary, Member of the Bulgarian delegation as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (1986-87).
- Sept. 1982 – Jan. 1984 Permanent Mission of Bulgaria to the UN, New York, Third Secretary In charge of political and juridical affairs
- Jan. 1977 – Sept. 1982 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia, Attaché and Third Secretary In charge of political and human rights issues
- 1971 Secondary English Language School, Sofia
- 1976 Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MBA in international relation
- Jan. – Aug. 1989 USA University of Maryland, School of Public Affairs, Washington, Ford Foundation fellow, Programme on the US foreign policy decision-making proces
- Sept. 1992 – Dec. 1994 NATO fellow, Programme for Central and Eastern Europe on democratic institutions focusing on the national and legal mechanism for the protection of minorities
- Nov. – Dec. 1999 Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government Executive Programme in Leadership and Economic Development
- English – fluent
- Russian – fluent
- Spanish – fluent
- French – fluent
- Bulgaria and Ethnic Tensions in the Balkans, Mediterranean Quarterly, January 1991
- Monitoring Bulgaria’s Accession to the European Union, European Policy Forum, Annual publications 1999, 2000, 2001
- Integration of South-Eastern Europe into the European Mainstream, Journal of South East and Black Sea Studies, October 2000
- Einbahnstrasse EU-Erweiterung, Schüren Verlag, Marburg, Germany, September 2001
- Numerous articles on foreign policy and European integration issues.
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